Hari Keenam (11 Februari 2023)
Para peserta mengikuti misa pagi yang diipimpin oleh Pastor Robertus Bob Rarun MSC. Penanggungjawab liturgi adalah pemimpin komunitas Aspiran, Postulat, Novisiat, dan Skolastikat.
Pastor Bob mengajak kapitulares selalu peka dan peduli terhadap kebutuhan dan kesulitan sesama di sekitar kita. “Yesus telah menunjukkan ketergerakan hati-Nya oleh belas kasihan ketika memberi makan 4000 orang, yang selama tiga hari mengikuti-Nya dengan mukjizat perbanyakan roti dan ikan. Kita belajar dari Yesus yang tergerak hati-Nya dan menggerakkan hati para murid untuk bertindak dan mencari solusi atas penderitaan yang dialami sesamanya.”
Ia melanjutkan, “Pater Chevalier juga telah melakukan hal yang sama. Ia mendirikan tarekat MSC karena ketergerakan hatinya yang digerakkan Hati Yesus. Kemudian menggerakkan banyak orang untuk menjawab kebutuhan dan keprihatinan yang terjadi pada masanya. Kita pun ambil bagian dalam gerakan ini.”

Sidang Kesepuluh
Sidang yang membahas tentang keuangan dan harta benda ini dipimpin oleh Pastor Johanis Ohoitimur MSC.
Narasumber Pastor Roy Djakaria Pr, imam Keuskupan Agung Jakarta, berbagi pengalaman saat mengelola keuangan di KAJ berkaitan dengan pengelolaan sistem, harga benda sebagai obyek dan memiliki nilai, transparansi dan akuntabilitas, tantangan, tata keuangan gereja dengan ciri yang spesifik serta kemandirian lembaga keuangan.

Narasumber berikutnya, Pastor Andrew Paparang MSC, menyampaikan kondisi keuangan provinsi dan hal-hal terkait yang perlu diperhatikan.
Sidang Kesebelas
Pastor Ignasius Welerubun MSC selaku moderator mengawali sidang dengan menjelaskan materi sidang yaitu partisipasi dan kemitraan.
Narasumber pertama yang membantu proses refleksi dan discernment adalah Pastor Paulus Laurentius Pitoy MSC. Ia
menegaskan pentingnya kerja sama, partisipasi dan kemitraan dalam tarekat. Ia memaparkan, mengapa kita perlu bermitra dan dengan siapa kita bermitra? Imam MSC perlu memberi perhatian pada gerakan kaum awam yang menghayati visi Spiritualitas Hati Pater Pendiri, khususnya Awam Keluarga Chevalier (AKC).
Selanjutnya, Mgr. Estephanus Rolly Untu MSC berbicara tentang pengalaman kemitraan MSC dengan keuskupan, khususnya Keuskupan Manado dan harapan-harapan keuskupan sebagai mitra kerja. Uskup memberikan apresiasi positif terhadap kehadiran MSC yang telah mengembangkan spiritualitas dan karya dengan luar biasa. Hubungan pastores, para MSC dan imam-imam keuskupan, berjalan sangat baik dan kondusif. Ia pun mengakui, kadang-kadang ada “kerikil” yang membuat hubungan agak renggang akibat perbedaan pandangan dan kurangnya komunikasi. Ia meminta maaf dengan tulus kepada Dewan Pimpinan dan para anggota MSC.(Tim Sekretariat)
Day Six (11 February 2023)
The participants attended the morning Mass led by Father Robertus Bob Rarun MSC. Entrusted with the liturgy were the leaders of the Aspirant, Postulate, Novitiate, and Scholasticate communities.
Father Bob invited the participants to always be sensitive and concerned about the needs and difficulties of those around us. “Jesus showed His heart was moved by compassion when feeding 4000 people, who for three days followed Him through the miracle of the multiplication of loaves and fish. We learn from Jesus, who was moved by His heart and moved the hearts of the disciples to act and seek solutions for the suffering of others.”
He continued, “Father Chevalier also did the same thing. He founded the MSC congregation because his heart was moved by the Heart of Jesus. He then moved many people to respond to the needs and concerns that occurred in his time. We also take part in this movement.”
Tenth Session
The session which discussed finances and property was chaired by Father Johanis Ohoitimur MSC.
Expert authority Fathe Roy Djakaria Pr, of the Jakarta Archdiocese, shared his experiences in managing finances at the Jakarta Archdiocese in relation to system management, object pricing and valuation, transparency and accountability, challenges, church financial management with its specific characteristics and also financial institution independence.
The next guest speaker, Father Andrew Paparang MSC, conveyed the province’s financial condition and related matters that needed attention.
Eleventh Session
Father Ignasius Welerubun MSC acting as the moderator started the session by explaining the session’s agenda, namely participation and partnership.
The expert speaker person who assisted the process of reflection and discernment was Father Paulus Laurentius Pitoy MSC. He
emphasizes the importance of cooperation, participation and partnership in the congregation. He asked, why do we need to partner and with whom do we partner? MSC priests need to pay attention to the movement of the laity who live the vision of the Spirituality of the Heart of the Founder, especially the Laymen of the Chevalier Family (AKC).
Furthermore, Mgr. Estephanus Rolly Untu MSC spoke about MSC’s partnership experiences with dioceses, especially the Manado Diocese and the hopes of the dioceses as working partners. His Grace gave a positive appreciation for the presence of the MSC which has developed spirituality and various extraordinary work. The relationship between priests, the MSC and the diocesan priests is facile and conducive. His Grace also admitted that certain times, some “discomfort” may make the relationship a little tenuous due to differences in views and due to lack of communication. For this, he apologized sincerely to the Governing Council and members of the MSC. (Secretariat Team)
